Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary
My Loves

Vincent Murphy

Central New York

Central New York


Come On!


I miss my Missy

Better Days

Better Days
they'll come again

Alicia Vida Billman

Alicia Vida Billman
is 29 today

This says it all!

This says it all!
Friday noon, you're coming home with me Vinny.

Vincent Murphy?

Vincent Murphy?

Tuesday nights

Tuesday nights
are gonna change in May

Mr. Murphy

Mr. Murphy
waiting for his haircut

When I get bored

When I get bored
I take pictures of myself in bathrooms

Graphic Boulevard

Graphic Boulevard
blown transformers and a tree

Cars in Bergenfield

Cars in Bergenfield
didn't do well

House on Queen St

House on Queen St
with a for sale sign in front of it


Storm 2010

Vincent Murphy

Vincent Murphy
and his look alike Bob Murphy

Off my back porch

Off my back porch
Don't worry I didn't take this pic while falling

Down Kellogg Street

Down Kellogg Street

Up Kellogg Street

Up Kellogg Street

My house, our cars

My house, our cars

Winter 2010

Winter 2010


I want summer back!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I had a dream

literally. To most people that's not too odd an occurrence, but I rarely dream so it was a bit unsettling. Worse still, I had a dream about getting a B, actually a B- on a paper. And getting that B made me realize in the dream that I had not registered for any classes, and that realization led to another realization that I had failed to attend a class the previous semester, had indeed only attended it once. Therefore, I had failed that class (I think it was a Spanish class). Those realizations led to another realization that I would no doubt lose the office I was sitting in (the dream took place in an office I used to share at ISU). After trying to read the comments on the paper, I turned and the room was full of new doctoral candidates. I told them what a great program it was and how much they would enjoy it. Then I looked at the clock and realized I might as well go home since I had no classes to go to, but I wanted to decipher the paper comments written in such small, tidy handwriting. Not mine, that's not where this is going. Apparently the handwriting belonged to Will Hamlin; now there's a clue. No it's not, actually. What a feeling of desperation I had in the dream! Desperation so frightening that it woke me up safe and sound in my big bed in my old house in my middle class existence. Whew! I'm glad I don't dream too often.

I really don't like dreams; the only recurrent one I've ever had was frightening to say the least. I don't know how people do it, dream and sleep that is. Do you? Dream and sleep that is? What do you dream about? Personally, I think dreaming causes sentence fragments.

FYI, the offensive candy bar I wrote about was a Sky Bar. I was at Chanantry's last night and there it was. Do not eat it; take my advice on this one. And do not eat the giant ice cream sundae at the Ice Cream Factory in (is it in Chadwicks?) that has mint and regular Oreos on it as well as dark chocolate ice cream and hot fudge and whipped cream and sprinkles. I know what you're thinking -- the sprinkles, just too much. Do, however, eat the Crown Burger at Charlie Boys; that's what I had for dinner last night. I love summer eating: good thing I love summer walking too.

Awright peeps, what are you eating this summer and where are you eating it? If you're not eating some nasty burger outside at a place on the side of the road, I feel sorry for you.

P.S. You can learn from dreams. The handwriting on that paper was so small I really couldn't read it. Maybe I'll try that.


  1. For the first time in at least 2 years, I got a BJs card. Bought a jar of marinated mixed mushrooms, and have been eating them ever since with fresh spinach. Yum.

  2. Are you talking about the Cookie Monster sundae at the Ice Cream Factory? Or possibly the Grasshopper Sundae? Both are ones my brother loved, and I think are crazy. Personally I like the one that they serve in a tall glass. I want to say it's the Monster Sundae, although it is not very Monstrous. It has vanilla ice cream layered with your choice of three fruit toppings, and then whipped cream nuts and a cherry.

    However the only thing I am really looking forward to this summer is Chicken club Foccaccia Sandwiches from o'Scuggnizzo's trucked back to my parents house and eaten on their patio furniture in the side yard next to the pond.

  3. mmmm summer food.

    Recently I had corn on the cob WITH a spicy mayonnaise, Cayenne and crumbled/grated cotija cheese - I highly recommend you try this combination with your summer food.

  4. i love dreams, even when i dream that i'm tina fey working in the obama white house and i let out a big fart in the presence of the president and the white house staff.

    hoffman hot dogs--#1 summer food for me.
